Project Background

The DSE consider this capacity building program as an intervention to address the view that exists where on demand side it is said that access to finance, and capital, is major challenge of growing businesses in Tanzania while on the supply side financiers don’t share the same sentiment, i.e. financiers and investors fail to lend or finance businesses because there are not enough bankable projects.

Program Description

The DSE Enterprise Acceleration Program (DEAP) is an initiative designed to provide a platform for owners/managers of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) with growth potentials to learn and implement the right structure, management systems and processes that will support their businesses to operate sustainably, hence attract different types of investors and financiers such as Commercial & Development Banks, Private Equity Firms, Venture Capital Funds, Crowdfunding Platforms and Public Offerings (IPOs) through a stock exchange. The DEAP initiative is conducted as a pilot program. The learnings and practical experiences that is learnt will be used to deploy a similar program in the future, and eventually become a part and parcel of the EGM market segment infrastructure. Broadly, the DEAP is an initiative that intends to achieve the following:

1. Inspire and influence business owners and managers across various industries to take actions on issues that help their businesses to prosper further; enhancing their profiling and visibility, adherence to principles of business sustainability as well as access to a range of financing options that will enable their growth and development, and the follow-on-benefits to the society at large

2. Develop business leaders and their businesses by building a strong community of the network in the business growth ecosystem and encourage them to act.

3. A platform that provides SMEs with capacities on areas of strategic business planning, financial management and controls, corporate governance, talent management, business regulatory environment as well as sustainable business management.

4. The program involves capacity building cutting across the entire areas of business growth ecosystem, providing support to ambitious and fast-growing companies to qualified companies scale up, structure their growth path, through training, business support, mentoring networking and facilitating their access to various sustainable expertise and funding..

Program Objectives

The main objective of the Program is to enhance capacity of the target entrepreneurs (owners/managers of SMEs) so that they become attractive as investee by different types of investors/financiers and hence expand their business, ultimate effectively contribute to the economy growth. Among others, the program will be used as a catalyst to certain behavioral and cultural change for entrepreneurs to embrace structured and scientific ways in running businesses.

Summary of
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