JATU Profile

JATU PLC is a Tanzanian company involved with Agriculture, industries and markets, it was registered on 20th October, 2016. The core Vision of JATU PLC is to become a leading public company in producing quality products and good services within and beyond the country, and to create employment opportunities to Tanzanians, intended to enhance income for individuals and maximize government revenues. As its Mission to achieve its Vision, JATU PLC is dedicated to ensure that human lives are enriched with good health by use of premium natural products produced by JATU PLC and implement a poverty reduction solution by use of human resources, modern agriculture and engage in industry activities and network marketing to ensure profit sharing.


The strategic plan of the company is to cover all Districts of Tanzania through Farming, Industries and Network Marketing Strategies. Currently the company is conducting Agricultural projects of the following crops Beans, Rice, maize and sunflower, avocados, oranges, Orange fleshed sweet potatoes, onions and vegetables. The company purchases all farmer’s produce as raw materials for our factories where we process and pack various food products. Our industries are located at Kibaigwa Dodoma (milling factory for maize flour, and sunflower cooking oil), Kilombero Morogoro (Rice processing factory) and Kilindi Tanga for processing of Beans. Products from our factories are sold to JATU members through a network marketing strategy on JATU app (JATU MARKET) that ensures customers satisfaction on the type of quality of services offered with profit sharing on every purchase that customers make.

JATU Plc officially became a member of Dar es salaam Stock Exchange on 23rd November 2020.

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