TCPLC Profile

Tanga Cement PLC 's history and achievements can be summarized as below:

1970: National Development Corporation of Tanzania assigned the job of preparation of feasibility report for setting up a cement plant in Tanzania to French firm – Messrs Fives Lille-Cail

1978: Construction of the Tanga Cement PLC plant started

1980: The Tanga Cement PLC Plant was commissioned.

1981: The Plant was officially inaugurated by H.E The President of the United Republic of Tanzania, the late J. K. Nyerere

2009 - 10:Company ownership is as follows

  1. 68.3% - Scancem International DA (change from 62.5% AfriSam Mauritius)
  2. 30.57% Tanzania General Public and Institutions.
  3. 1.10% Employee Share Trust

With 15000 Tanzanian being the shareholders, Tanga Cement PLC shares trade under its brand name, Simba, at the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange.

Summary of
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Summary of
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